Sunday, June 30, 2019

Pain is Pain

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I just realized kids are the most vulnerable chain in our life... everything wrong that happens we tend to burst out at kids in someway or the other...why? Because they are weaker than you....but look what are you doing to them... Similarly, amongst kids, there is a tendency to gang up and say the nastiest things one could imagine and the words/actions really hurt....

Your pain and my pain may be pain tolerance level is higher than yours but that doesn't give me the right to inflict the end of the day, pain is pain...and it hurts....Kids are growing up and now more than the physical pain, I have seen them inflict emotional pain amongst themselves.

Let us all be mindful of our actions and their impact on people around us! We are responsible human beings and let's make this earth an inclusive place to live!

Please talk to your children and help them realize what they are doing is HURTING someone in a way that might take a long time to heal...and you should also be aware to spot signs in your kid and others around....💜

We say "excuse me" to avoid hurting someone physically...what about emotions hurt? What should we do?

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