Friday, May 13, 2016

Setting up database in Metasploit- Part 1


Metasploit is one important framework which is used by many penetration testers for exploiting vulnerabilities found during a security testing project. Most of the times it becomes difficult for a penetration tester to maintain asset information, the services running and various vulnerabilities associated with them. Also, most organisations require you to provide logs during the assignment, for instance the commands that were executed for finding vulnerabilities and how those vulnerabilities were exploited by the tester. In order to help my fellow penetration testers with such daunting tasks, I am writing this article on Metasploit. Hoping to ease some of your work.
Let’s start.

Section1: Setting Up the Database in Metasploit

Since we are working with database along with Metasploit it becomes important to setup some kind of database.  PostgreSQL is the default database supported by the Metasploit framework. So before starting Metasploit it is important to initiate the PostgreSQL database where our all data will be stored while using Metasploit.
Let’s start the PostgreSQL database service:
This command initiates service for PostgreSQL database. 

Command: service postgresql start

Figure 1: Starting the POSTGRESQL Database

Next command checks whether the service is running.

PostgreSQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). So now we need to create a database named msfdbwhich will, by default, be associated with the Metasploit framework.

Command: msfdb init

Figure 2: Create msfdb Database

We can now check for the database files (database.yml and database.yml.example) by visiting the path (/usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/).

Figure 3: Database Files

Now let us check whether the database ‘msfdb’ is associated with Metasploit or not. We can perform this activity by opening Metasploit terminal and checking the status of the database.

Command: db_status
Figure 4: Checking the Status of Database

As you will notice in Figure 4, postgresql is now connected to Metasploit-framework (msf).
Note: In case the database is not getting associated with Metasploit for any technical reasons, you will get a ‘no-connection’ error as shown in the figure below. 

Figure 5: Error in association of 'msfdb' with the Metasploit-framework

In such cases you need to recheck the steps performed as per the commands mentioned until now in this documentation.

Section 2: Database Commands

Now that we are connected to the database, let me show you some commands that we will be using in this article.

Command: help database

Figure 6: Database Commands

Section 3: Using Workspace Commands

Workspaces are normally used by pen-testers to save scans from the different locations/networks/subnets. This helps keeping information separate and avoids confusion.
Command: workspace – h
Figure 7: Workspace Help File
Note: By default, Metasploit creates ‘default’ workspace. ‘*’ denotes current selected workspace we are working with.

Command: workspace
Figure 8: ‘Default’ Workspace

Command: For workspace

Figure 9: Various Workspace Commands

 Refer to further Parts for more information!